How to create an account

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Basic Terms

The most important thing to understand about your Nxt account is that you create your Nxt account using a private key in the form of a passphrase. This passphrase will generate your account address, so your passphrase is your account. Unlike other crypto currencies, there is no wallet file like wallet.dat.

The account address is needed to view your account, the passphrase is needed to submit transactions.

If you type in a different passphrase, you will open up a different account. If someone else types in your passphrase, they will access your account and get access to your NXT.

So be very careful with your passphrase!

With that in mind, here's how to create a secure account:

Creating a Nxt account address

If not done already, first install the Nxt client software on your machine and start your Nxt software. Once the Nxt client is running and the blockchain fully downloaded

Using a passphrase generated by the client

Click on the DON'T HAVE AN ACCOUNT? CLICK HERE TO CREATE ONE! link at the bottom.

NxtWallet create account.png

A strong passphrase made from 12 random words will automatically be generated for you.

NxtWallet create passphrase.png

If you want to use this secret phrase generated by the software, write it down, copy it to a safe place or print a paper wallet (using the link on this dialog). This is VERY IMPORTANT, since only this passphrase will give you access to your newly created account, and you can never recover it. After that, press Next. In the next page, you'll have to retype your secret passphrase to confirm you have it correct. Then click Next again.

Using your own passphrase

If you want to use your own passphrase, be careful and make sure you are picking a strong, secure passphrase. Do not create a passphrase until you clearly understand account security. If you do not appreciate how important this is, and make a mistake in this step, you will be robbed.

Simple passwords will be hacked and your coins will be stolen. A passphrase at least 35 characters long, or made up of at least 12 random words is recommended. For cryptographically strong passphrases run a proper tool on your local computer, such as the generator from


  • Again, your passphrase is your account. Using a different passphrase will lead to a different account, so you can never change your passphrase.
  • There is no password recovery. If you lose your passphrase, you will lose access to your account.
  • Do not share your passphrase with anyone.

To generate your own passphrase click on the "Want to choose your own passphrase? Click here." link at the bottom. Once you have generated a secure passphrase, type it into passphrase field inside of Create your account page.

NxtWallet your own.png

Congratulations! Your account is created and you will see the Nxt Client interface. Your new account address (starting with NXT- ) appears in the upper left corner of the Nxt Client window. Please record your account address, this will be where other people can send Nxt to you.

Any time later, to double check and verify, that you have noted down / stored the correct passphrase, you can click the "Validate Passphrase" button on the dashboard which appears before you fund your new account. Other options include, log into the Nxt Client with that passphrase, then you can verify that it opens the correct account. Or you can use the the Token Generator with any random text.

NxtWallet new.png

Register your public key

Initially there will be Warning:"Your account does not have a public key! This means it's not as protected as other accounts. You must make an outgoing transaction to fix this issue."

What needs to be done is explained in How to protect your account with a public key.

To receive your first transaction, the sender might also need to know your public key. You can find it in the Dashboard of your client: